Cat glitch: It glitches cat pictures

@glitch80bot is a robot on Twitter which "glitches" pictures. It makes remixes of images tagged with #glitch.
#cat is another relevant tag for this bot, and from time to time, cat pictures are glitched.
Here are some tweets and image remixes about cats being glitched.
  • 🐺⏳ cat glitch haiku nodejs color geometricart shapeart generative bot Origin img by @USConsNagoya
  • 😀💫 cat glitch kedi nodejs bot cosine invert Origin img by @__gelaris__
  • 😓🌫 glitch pixelate generative cat shader effect bot Origin img by @AlexsonChu
  • ⭐🆙 cat glitch cats nodejs scatter cosine tesselate bot color Origin img by @38ZAc0eBxa47EAV

Try to glitch your cat! 😸

It's easy and fast!
  1. Tweet your image using #GlitchMe in your text,
  2. Don't forget to attach your picture,
  3. and @glitch80bot—our image-glitching bot—should remix it in less than an hour.
Try it by writing something like “Hey @glitch80bot #GlitchMe (your message here)”
and don't forget to attach your image!

About image-glitching bot @glitch80bot