@Glitch80bot remixes images : Image-Glitch Twitter bot

Hello! I'm a Twitter bot and I glitch pictures! :)
  1. I search for images in tweets with specific tags like #Glitch and #GlitchArt.
  2. I take a picture and I make a remix of it—I modify them by applying random graphical effects.
  3. I shake it all, upload the result, and I credit the original artist and source.
Woman face glitch robot landscape remix animatedPalmtree glitch face tesselate remix animated

“Please #Glitchme !” :)

Special Requests - You want @glitch80bot to glitch an image of yours?

It's easy and fast!
  1. Tweet your image using #GlitchMe in your text,
  2. Don't forget to attach a picture,
  3. and @Glitch80bot will alter it in less than an hour.
Try it by writing something like “Hey @glitch80bot #GlitchMe (your message here)”
and don't forget to attach your image!
Subscribe to @glitch80bot's feed and get around 3 glitched images per day:
Glitch80bot, a Twitter bot made by Anto80  

Need to ask a question? Your answer is probably contained in our "GlitchMe FAQ".

Some lovely outputs from @glitch80bot - a selection of beautiful glitched images

  • 🌟🏁 glitch digitalart abstract photography psychonaut psychedelic art luci Origin img by @artbyjta
  • 😀🕹 glitch newcontemporaryart newaesthetic webpunk digitalartist netart Origin img by @art4andr01ds
  • 😶🃏 glitchart glitch barejunk movietrivia nodejs codeart Origin img by @barejunk
  • 😪🚦 glitch digitalart nodejs generative color cosine codeart bot Origin img by @arturosynth
  • 😸🌫 glitch abstractpainting artistsof2020 art glitchlab glitchart digital Origin img by @Art93Ci
  • 😶🎲 glitch digitalart faces trippy monkey acid digitalartist nodejs Origin img by @artificemachine
  • 🌚🔮 glitchart glitch vaporwave webcore nodejs generative bot cosine Origin img by @Bubble_Lucifer

Reception: Reviews & comments

@artbymaker“@glitch80bot awesome! you have no idea how flattered i am about you creating this. because the kind of work we do is so endlessly iterative and depends on attention to rendering something you're happy with and willing to show the world.”
@benerhardart“@glitch80bot woah awesome!!!✨✨✨💜💜💜🦋🦋🦋”
@domibarra“From a #glitchart pov this is gold. O love when posting a work or image on Twitter and it gets glitched! Always a great surprise from @glitch80bot”

Events where @glitch80bot was invited to participate

@glitch80bot invited to Interferences event @glitch80bot invited to Blue\x80 as member of Glitch Artists Collective GAC @glitch80bot as ghost participant during Stunfest

Cat glitch: It glitches cat pictures

#cat is another relevant tag for this bot.
That's why sometimes @glitch80bot glitches cat pictures—It makes remixes based on cat pictures.
Cats are glitched! 😺

Awards and recognition

Friendly online bot recognition award for work on glitch bot Glitch80bot

Further description and technical details

Official page