Image-To-Fire-Effect: Complete list of options to set your images on fire. Fire effects and sparks

List of image processing and conversion options with Image-To-Fire-Effect (ImgFire FX).
-dwNNN : Set the width of the destination image to NNN pixels. Useful for scaling or resizing. By default, this generates an image inscribed in a square of 256x256.
-dhNNN : Set the height of the destination image to NNN pixels.
Preserve aspect ratio by using -dwAuto for automatic width or -dhAuto for automatic height.
-ns (or -nosuffix or -overwrite) : do not use a date-based suffix at the end of the generated filename. This means that the name of the output file will always be the same and therefore it will be overwritten. (Default: DO NOT overwrite)
-output (or -outpath or -path) : Define the folder where the output files are saved. You can choose an entire path: -outpath "D:\my folder\test\"
or a subfolder of the original file: -outpath "my_subfolder"
"In RGB colors, green looks brighter to the eye", the software Image-To-Fire-Effect takes this into account. But if you want to manually correct the color brightness impression, you can use -fixrgbN,N,N For example: -fixrgb30,50,20
-psN : Enlarge the size of the generated image (for example -ps2 to generate an image at x2 scale, or -ps4 to multiply the scale by 4.)
-repeatNN : Generate an animated GIF with NN images in the sequence.
-smoothNN : Adjust the number of frames dedicated to smooth animation (default is 7, up to 66% of number of total frames)
-still : Generate a static PNG image instead of an animated GIF.

Fire palette presets - select color palette when transforming with ImgFire FX

Colors of real chemical fires, or palettes of "imaginary" fires. Here is the palette numbering ( -p1, -p2, -p3, etc ) which can be used:
-p1 -fire : “Default” fire palette (red, orange and yellow)
-p2 -blue1 -ice : Icy blue palette
-p3 -blue2 -water : Sea blue palette
-p4 -blue3 -cucl : Blue chemical fire palette (Copper Chloride)
-p5 -green -cuso : Green chemical fire palette (Copper Sulfate)
-p6 -lime -bore : Yellow/green chemical fire palette (Borax)
-p7 -yellow -na : Yellow chemical fire palette (Sodium)
-p8 -orange -ca : Orange chemical fire palette (Calcium)
-p9 -red -sr : Red chemical fire palette (Strontium)
-p10 -carmine -li : Red/carmine chemical fire palette (Lithium)
-p11 -violet -kso : Violet chemical fire (Potassium Sulfate)
-p12 -purple -kcl : Purple chemical fire (Potassium Chloride)
-p13 -white -mg : White/blue chemical fire palette (Magnesium)
-p14 -pink : Pink imaginary palette
-p15 -gray : Gray imaginary palette
-p16 -rainbow : Rainbow imaginary palette

-p1 -fire : Default fire palette (red, orange and yellow)-p2 -blue1 -ice : Icy blue palette-p3 -blue2 -water : Sea blue palette-p4 -blue3 -cucl : Blue chemical fire palette (Copper Chloride)-p5 -green -cuso : Green chemical fire palette (Copper Sulfate)-p6 -lime -bore : Yellow/green chemical fire palette (Borax)-p7 -yellow -na : Yellow chemical fire palette (Sodium)-p8 -orange -ca : Orange chemical fire palette (Calcium)-p9 -red -sr : Red chemical fire palette (Strontium)-p10 -carmine -li : Red/carmine chemical fire palette (Lithium)-p11 -violet -kso : Violet chemical fire (Potassium Sulfate)-p12 -purple -kcl : Purple chemical fire (Potassium Chloride)-p13 -white -mg : White/blue chemical fire palette (Magnesium)
-p14 -pink : Pink imaginary palette-p15 -gray : Gray imaginary palette-p16 -rainbow : Rainbow imaginary palette

Graphical spread model

Possible options: -mode0 (based on colors), -mode1 (based on contours)

Fire progress flow types

- “Noisy” -flnoisy random signal
- “Peaks” -flpeak peak signal (default)
- “Triangles” -fltri regular triangle signal
- “Basic” -fllinear homogeneous, linear signal

Further image processing

The image is reconstructed a little bit with each image so that the fire is kept alive. To adjust this reconstruction speed, use the option -anNN = add NN% light (default 33%)
There are spark particles generated throughout the image sequence. To adjust the density of the particles, use the option -apNN = NN% of particles (default 5%)
Smoke: To prevent the fire from developing too fast, it is possible to simulate smoke. To add smoke, use the option -smokeNN = density of NN (default 60%). With a smoke of 0, we quickly reach very bright colors (white)! If the smoke is at 100, the fire will take a long time to increase the intensity and therefore to reach the colors at the top of the palette.
Glitch: -cycle and -over are effects due to numerical preservation errors into the image, for example overflow. Glitched fires examples.
Log intermediate data as images
-logflow : log flow pattern spreading data as image. This is useful when checking how will fire spread depending on the fire spots' positions on the image.
-logcontour : log contour detection data (mode1) as image. This is useful when checking where fire is likely to start.

Image-To-Fire-Effect converter - link to the software

List of options as displayed in built-in help (ImgFire FX All options)

---------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
ImgFire - Add Animated Fire Effect To Image
          by Anto80 (@elbloco80)
---------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------

  Usage:   ImgFire [Option1] [Option2] SourceImageFile [-path] [OutputPath]
  Example: ImgFire "C:\my\path\myfile.jpg"
  Possible input formats:  JPG, PNG, BMP, PCX, LBM, TGA

  -ns -nosuffix -overwrite : no suffix on output file = overwrite
  -output -path   : Set destination full path, or subfolder name

  -dwNNN  -dhNNN  : Destination Image Width NNN and/or Height NNN
  -dwAuto -dhAuto : Preserve aspect ratio : Auto Width or Auto Height
  -ps2 -ps4 -psN  : Big pixels magnify size x2 x4 xN

  -p1 -fire         : Default fire palette (red, orange and yellow)
  -p2 -blue1 -ice   : Icy blue palette
  -p3 -blue2 -water : Sea blue palette
  -p4 -blue3 -cucl  : Blue chemical fire palette (Copper Chloride)
  -p5 -green -cuso  : Green chemical fire palette (Copper Sulfate)
  -p6 -lime -bore   : Yellow/green chemical fire palette (Borax)
  -p7 -yellow -na   : Yellow chemical fire palette (Sodium)
  -p8 -orange -ca   : Orange chemical fire palette (Calcium)
  -p9 -red -sr      : Red chemical fire palette (Strontium)
  -p10 -carmine -li : Red/carmine chemical fire palette (Lithium)
  -p11 -violet -kso : Violet chemical fire (Potassium Sulfate)
  -p12 -purple -kcl : Purple chemical fire (Potassium Chloride)
  -p13 -white -mg   : White/blue chemical fire palette (Magnesium)
  -p14 -pink        : Pink imaginary palette
  -p15 -gray        : Gray imaginary palette
  -p16 -rainbow     : Rainbow imaginary palette

  -mode0 -mode1   : Choose spread model (default is mode1)
                      Mode 0 is based on overall color
                      Mode 1 is based on contours

  -anNN           : The image is rebuilt a little each frame
                    = adds NN% of nominal light (-anNN default 33%)

  -apNN           : Adjust particles density 0-1000 (default 5%)
  -smokeNN        : adjust smoke density 0-100 (default 60%)
                    if smoke is 0 the fire progresses very quickly!

  -flnoisy        : Noisy fire flow type pattern (how fire evolves)
  -flpeak         : Peak-shaped fire flow type pattern (default)
  -fltri          : Triangle(Abs) fire flow type pattern
  -fllinear       : Basic fire flow type pattern = no hot points

  -c -cycle       : Cycle colors (palette rotation) when substracting
  -o -over        : Cycle colors when adding (overrun)
  -repeatNN       : Make the output animated GIF have NN frames
  -smoothNN       : Dedicate NN frames to smooth animation (default 7)
  -still          : Output still image(s) instead of animated GIF
  -logflow        : log flow pattern spreading data as image
  -logcontour     : log contour detection data (mode1) as image

  -l -lic -eula   : View license information, terms and conditions
  -?              : This help

Troubleshooting - Help section

Problem: By clicking on ImgFire (or ImgFire.exe), a window opens and then closes immediately.
Solution: Image-To-Fire-Effect / ImgFire is a "command line" or console program for Windows. That is, you must first launch the Windows Command Prompt to run it:
  1. Press the Windows Start button then Search
  2. In the search box, type cmd
  3. Click on the "Command Prompt" application
  4. Browse the disk and folder where you installed ImgFire.
    For example if you installed it in D:\My tools\ImgFire\, type
    cd "D:\My tools\ImgFire"
  5. In this folder, you must have ImgFire.exe
    You can possibly check this by typing dir
  6. Type ImgFire then Enter.
  7. The command prompt should display:
    ImgFire - Add Animated Fire Effect To Image
Problem: You get the error message: 'ImgFire' is not recognized as an internal command or external, an executable program or a batch file.
  1. ImgFire software may not be copied to your hard drive.
    Download ImgFire FX here, and you will get a zip file. Unzip it in the folder you want (Except maybe "Program Files" or "Windows" to prevent access problems...)
  2. In the command prompt, you may not be in the correct folder? Launch the Windows command prompt (steps 1 to 3 above) and navigate to the folder where you installed it (steps 4 to 7 above). You should have, at the command prompt, a phrase "ImgFire - Add Animated Fire Effect To Image" that appears.